Configure Your Branding

To manage the look and feel of your communcations you will need to upload your logos, set your brand colours and select your brand fonts within the settings module.


  1. Navigate to the Settings module

  2. Click the Edit button underneath the Account Brand Settings area

Uploading Logos

  1. Select Add Logo

  2. Drag & Drop your file or else click Choose File and select your logo

  3. Click Upload

Useful Tips:

  • For best results we recommend a square logo file

  • File types must be JPEG, PNG, or SVG

  • If you are making no more changes to your Brand Settings, make sure you click Save to make sure you do not loose your progress

Setting Your Brand Colours

  1. Click on the square of the colour you wish to change

  2. Select your colour or input the HEX code if you have this

  3. Click anywhere on the screen away from the colour select to close the selector

Useful Tips:

  • Use t

  • If you know the HEX code of your brand colour, use the arrows to navigate to this input:

  • Clicking the eyedrop tool will allow you to hover over your logo file to select the colour if this is what you would like for one of your colours

  • If you are making no more changes to your Brand Settings, make sure you click Save to make sure you do not loose your progress

Colours Guide

Choosing Your Font

  1. Select the font you're wanting to update (Either for Headers or Body text)

  2. The dropdown will present all available fonts, begin typing to locate as select your brand font

Miova offers all Google Fonts. If you are unable to find your brand font from the list you may be able to find something very similar from

Last updated